YANGDA LAUNCH Ground Control Software For Drone

1.00 KGS

Product Overview

YANGDA LAUNCH ground control software is developed for drone mission planning and flight control and is compatible with multicopters and VTOL drones powered by PX4 and Ardupilot. Its targeted users are beginner pilots with little or no flight experience with drones, especially VTOL fixed-wing drones.



Optimized drone “Status” and onboard flight data
Visualized drone status bar and onboard flight data can help the pilot obtain needed flight information in the shortest time, helpful in emergencies.


Simplified drone “Actions”
LAUNCH drone GCS offers the most important and frequently-used drone actions, allowing the pilot to choose the best operation for the drone, especially when abnormalities happen to the drone.


Intelligent alarm scheme
LAUNCH drone control software converts various alarms into intelligent and easy-to-understand alarm systems, guiding the pilot to complete the drone configuration.


Pre-flight check
The pilot can conduct a pre-flight check before takeoff to ensure a safe flight: airspeed calibration, motor and rudder test.


Easy route planning
Route planning is a challenge to beginners especially drawing a route for a fixed-wing VTOL drone, whether for surveillance or mapping. LAUNCH GCS makes this procedure as easy as playing a flight video game.